Friday, May 27, 2011

I'm baaaack! With moody soup!

This blogger has been quite the busy lady the past couple of weeks, but I'm returning with lots of food-spirations, just for you. It's almost dead week around here, which means deadlines are rapidly approaching, but my favorite procrastination techniques always involve food, so I have many a recipe to share with you over the next couple of days. I have photos loaded from as far back as three weeks ago. Oops.

I meant to have this soup post weeks and weeks ago, but completely forgot about it until I stumbled upon my photos. Which I have to admit, I think these are my best moody-food pictures.
Kate, amateur food photographer, specializing in moody soup.
I think it has a little ring!

I managed to have two different bowls of homemade soup in one week, so I thought they were worth sharing. The first one was a sweet potato soup I improvised with my dear friend Kelsey (who loves when I cook for her! A fan! Hooray!). The second is a cauliflower basil soup. While I can't remember or find recipes for these soups, I promise that soups are very easy if you have a blender and some hearty vegetables! I usually start by roasting up whatever vegetable I want as the main ingredient with some oil and seasonings. Put the veggies in a blender with some veggie or mushroom stock and blend! Be creative, and then take your own thought-provoking soup pictures.

My friends and I have many inside jokes including soup. We're weird. 
But everyone loves soup. 

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